Modbus stack

SoftMOD is the industry-standard Modbus protocol stack for industrial automation and building automation. SoftMOD supports both Modbus RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) and Modbus TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol) in client and server modes. SoftMOD runs on a very broad range of hardware and operating systems.

SoftMOD RTU supports simple RS-232 and RS-485 serial interfaces, hence it does not require complicated wiring or installation procedures.

SoftMOD TCP/IP requires an Ethernet interface and can run over an existing Ethernet network. TCP/IP client stack is available with a REST interface and also runs in a Linux docker container.

SoftMOD variants

Your engineers can port SoftMOD to your hardware, with Softdel providing technical assistance as needed. We can also port the SoftMOD stack to your hardware and integrate it with your application. Softdel can also test its operation on your network. This can be performed for one or all network devices.

Existing SoftMOD applications include flow, pressure, temperature transmitters, industrial gateways, energy meters, and water heater controllers.


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